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[R] Zelvius Ivdel, Flight of the Wyvern

Inspired by Magic the Gathering, the Ravnica expansions, and books relating to the series. All rights belong to their respective owners.

IVDEL AUDIAL RECORD; 17,2,10.143, 10:52
SUBJECT-The Wyvern's pre-flight notes.1

I believe it was Magelord Cavivvan Zetra who said it best a millenia ago; "Don't praise your ideas yet, you still need someone to test it." More than one-hundred decades later, his witful wisdom is still that of literary icony and prophecital equivalence.

To elaborate, my next vehicular innovation: the elliequently named <W.V. Personal Electro-Craft mdl 1.6>, A.k.a "Wyvern", is nearing 92.106% completion as of this journal's entry. Unfortunately, no testpilot within Irden city limits or without is willing to participate in its maiden voyage. Mind you I've never had such difficulty before; this is the old theory of electro gravatics applied on a winged vessel. Both young magelords first host, and new pilots first drive, a model as this on their first day in their respective careers. Outward appearances should not factor into why I've yet seen an applicant.
Although the proposed voltage requirements may be intimidating. And the experimental flight-deck at first appears to offer no protection against the current: if my calculations are correct, said current may be easily diverted through a meta-physical magnetic field, meant more to disperse the energy directed at the deck than otherwise redirect it. (I'd have hoped that explanation would be sufficient enough, yet still I'm faced with this dillema.)
Regardless, I may have just the answer. My most ambitious assistant, Epts Grenger, has landed in Azorius prison again. And while the regular activity of bailing him out has become dubious, this next time may facilitate just the result I've been working toward. It's a desirable outcome as well, I was near considering flying the Wyvern on my own...



Lunar exposure 100%. Cloud-cover is minimal. A night like this should yield enough power to theoretically cook a hen the size of this dome at the 1.8 power.
No one, save for a Izzet industry worker of a decade's experience, can really appreciate just where their energy comes from, even on a quiet night like this one - nor the many changes energy undergoes; from dwelling all around us as untapped mana, to heating one's bath, or a thousand things in the middle. Even with only a forth of the workforce awake the dome never really sleeps.
Shame though, I hoped for one of the guilds to stir something up: make me have to use all this energy.
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